Friday, July 5, 2013

Cocaine Abuse What Can Be Done

About cocaine abuse

Cocaine abuse has become the most abused major stimulant in the USA and statistics show that emergency room visits for it are increasing. Cocaine abuse has been around for as long as anyone can remember.
Derived from the “innocent” cocoa plant, it is considered the “champagne” of drugs, one of its street names. There is an array of street names describing the different uses.

cocaine abuseThere are various ways that an addict will use this drug, amongst them being snorting

Cocaine Addiction Forms And Risks

Risks & Forms of cocaine addiction

If you even suspect a loved one of cocaine addiction, it is better to take action and find out you were mistaken than not take action and find out they are addicted. The consequences can be very serious.
So, how do you tell if a loved one is in the throes of cocaine addiction? There are many different ways of taking cocaine so the obvious symptoms differ. It can be snorted, ingested, smoked or injected.
Cocaine Addiction EffectsSnorting cocaine (also known as freebasing), for example, can lead to the loss of the sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness and a chronically running nose. A sure sign is someone who is constantly sniffing. Snorting is a highly dangerous way of using it as the cocaine reaches the brain within seconds, resulting in an intense high but the euphoria quickly disappears, making the addict increase his use.

Counterfeit Drugs Surfacing

Counterfeit drugs

Anyone who has traveled into the small border towns in Mexico has surely seen the number of “farmacias” that line the streets. They are usually nothing more that a small store with a person in a white lab coat working behind the counter. The danger here is that the prescription medication that is readily available may not be medicine at all.

cocaine addictionThe Food and Drug Administration has warned consumers about these dangers. The warning reminded people that “drugs purchased in foreign countries are not regulated by the FDA” and “do not carry the same FDA assurances of safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality as drugs purchased within the United States.”

Drug Addiction Chemical Dependency

Dependency to drug or chemicals

cocaine addiction
Drug addiction or chemical dependency involves regular taking of psychoactive drugs to the point where the user does not have any effective choice with him. The addictive nature of drugs varies from substance to substance and from individual to individual. Often drugs like codeine and alcohol typically require more exposures to addict their users than drugs like heroin and cocaine, which create fast addiction. Drugs are something that affects your brain and behavior. Often people start taking drugs out of sheer curiosity but this proves to be dangerous.

Drug Rehab The Basics

About drug rehab

Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease where the individual suffering will need to detox or enter into rehab to recover. Addiction cannot be cured, so the individual might have craving’s their whole lives, but the addict can still live a happy, healthy life if they abstain from the substance.

Drug Rehab

When substance abuse is stopped, there are several withdrawal symptoms that occur, ranging from mild to severe, depending on the individual and the

Escaping From Drug Addiction Through Professionally Assisted Withdrawal

Escape from drug addiction through professional help

Check out the statistics; almost 12 percent of young Americans aged 18 years old are now addicted to illicit drugs and approximately 27 million Americans use illicit drugs regularly. Results of the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse and Addiction revealed that while millions of Americans habitually smoke pot, drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and swallow prescription drugs, many drug users do not recognize that they have a drug addiction problem. The figure of those “in denial” about their drug addiction is estimated at more than 4.6 million.

Drug Abuse

Individuals who struggle with drug addiction do not set out to destroy themselves, or everyone and everything in their path.

Holistic Approach May Be The Key To Curing Addiction

A different approach to drug addiction

Though the medical profession labels alcoholism and addiction – America’s No. 1 health problems – as incurable diseases that are manageable at best, one man is determined to prove that there is a complete cure for those twin demons.

Drug AddictionAccording to Chris Prentiss, co-founder of the world-famous Passages Rehab Center in Malibu, Calif., and author of the new book, “The Alcoholism & Addiction Cure, A Holistic Approach To Total Recovery,” the current treatment methods are obsolete. Prentiss says that alcohol and drugs are not the problem.

How To Select The Right Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center

Selecting the right drug rehab center

drug rehab centerA person suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction needs help immediately. Without it, it is highly likely he will continue down a never-ending path of self-destruction that could ultimately lead to death. Unfortunately, drug and alcohol addiction are both extremely difficult to overcome. Therefore, the only way most addicts are able to truly fight the battle against drugs and alcohol is to receive addiction treatment through a reputable drug rehab program. Furthermore, it is essential that the addict find the rehab center that is best suited for him and his personality because if care is not taken to find a programme compatible with his needs, a relapse is highly probable.

Resolving Drug Addiction Easily

Measures to be taken to resolve drug addiction

The word ‘cocaine’ refers to the drug in a powder form as well as a crystal form, which is smoked. It comes from the cocoa plant and, next to methamphetamine, creates the greatest psychological dependence of any drug.
Drug AddictionIn the short-term, cocaine causes a short-lived intense high that is immediately followed by intense feelings of depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. Users often don’t eat or sleep properly and can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. Cocaine users can get paranoid, angry, hostile and anxious, even when they’re not “high”.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Relapse prevention

About Relapse prevention

Relapse preventionRelapse prevention is a cognitive-behavioral approach with the goal of identifying and preventing high-risk situations such as substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive behavior, sexual offending, obesity, and depression. Furthermore, relapse prevention is an important component in the treatment process of alcoholism, or alcohol dependence.

Cocaine Use Among Teens

Cocaine usage among teens & it's statistics

Cocaine is a powerful drug that can be snorted, injected when dissolved in water, ingested, or smoked as crack. It is often referred to as coke, snow, flake, blow, or other terms. Cocaine is highly addictive and dangerous. According to the NIDA about eight percent of high-school seniors have used cocaine.

Cocaine abuse
Cocaine drug use among teens, while declining, is a major concern for parents. This is because teens who use cocaine can become addicted and develop major health problems, including mental health issues like depression, as a consequence.

Cracked By Crack The Side Effects Of Cocaine Withdrawal And Abuse

Side effects of cocaine addiction

cocaine addiction effectsPure cocaine, along with the so-called “poor man’s cocaine” known as “crack,” is among the most widely abused substances in the world today. The pure cocaine in powder form is usually mistaken as fine sugar or baking soda. The street variant called crack is diluted and mixed with baking soda, allowing the street pushers to reap more profits. People who become addicted to both cocaine and “crack” are considered to be among the worst addicts that can be found in a rehab clinic mainly because of the intense physical and mental health damage that prolonged use can lead to. There is an extensive list of negative effects associated with long-term use of “crack.” Withdrawal from crack addiction is also very difficult in physiological and psychological terms.

3 Simple Factors To Beating Cocaine Addiction

Steps to ensure the effectiveness of cocaine addiction treatment

Ok, someone you love and care about has a Cocaine Addiction Problem. Now what?

At this point many thoughts will go through your mind. Most people actually follow a common series of thoughts, believe it or not. The first thought is denial. The addict actually goes through this several times as well.

When the actions of the Cocaine Addict make this impossible to consider further, the next thought is that there is only a minor problem, not a drug addiction.

Understanding Drug And Alcohol Rehabilitation

About drug rehab programmes

For many years, when people thought of alcohol and drug rehab, the image that almost immed
drug rehab
iately came to mind was most likely a group of people, sitting in a circle in folding chairs in a big vacant room. Its true that group programs still aid many people in their quest to stop drinking and using illegal substances but most who have fell too deep into their addictions do not find relief this way. There is good news for those who need help getting over their addictions – slowly, there has been a proliferation of alternative therapies to alcohol and drug rehab. These methods may prove useful when traditional rehabilitation methods fail.

Drug Addiction And Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction

drug addiction symptoms

An addict is a person who has an uncontrollable compulsion to repeat a behavior regardless of its negative consequence. There are many drugs that can lead to a condition recognized as addiction. The common symptoms are a craving for more of the drug, increased psychological tolerance to exposure, and withdrawal symptoms in the absence of the stimulus. A risk of dependency exists in most drugs that directly provide pleasure or relief.

Why Most Cocaine Rehab Programs Fail

Reasons for failure of some drug rehab programmes

There are a multitude of reasons why anyone would try cocaine. However, when one experiences the emotional ‘euphoria’ provided by cocaine, as with most illicit drugs, the reason anyone would continue to use cocaine is typically the same for all as the drug provides an escape from the pressures and failures of life. This is the path most everyone follows into emotional drug addiction.
drug rehab programmes
Once addiction sets in, there are as many different approaches to cocaine rehabilitation as there were reasons to try the drug in the first place. This varied approach to cocaine rehab results in equally varied results, especially when contrasted against the wide variety of individual addict personalities.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How Cocaine Addiction Hurts You

Cocaine addiction & it's diverse effects

Unlike Methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction can actually ‘sneak up’ on the user over time. This may take a few weeks or months before a real problem begins to set in. And before the “casual user” even suspects there might be an addiction, the bank account is drained, the jewelry is gone, the credit cards are maxed out and the mortgage is three months behind. Even at this stage, the addict will strongly deny any addiction even when incarcerated. This is the truth about addiction that ultimately leaves your loved one to suffer.

Cocaine Addiction Symptoms
Cocaine Addiction usually starts innocently as an experiment or as just going along with the crowd. For some people, cocaine use remains casual. But for many the ‘rush’ or sense of ‘euphoria’ is just too tantalizing and the casual cocaine user gradually becomes an addict without even realizing it, even after it totally rules their life.

Successful Cocaine Addiction Treatment For Your Loved One

Effective Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Effective Cocaine Addiction Treatment begins with the admission of any level of addiction by the addict. The addict themselves very rarely reach for help on their own. They seem to simply race toward death as fast as they can. When the addiction is recognized or even suspected by a family member, the first move is typically an accusation that the addict strongly denies. This actually pushes the addict away from accepting any help well enough seeking any on their own. Having the addict incarcerated in a jail or committed to a treatment facility has an even worse effect. The key is to get the addict to see some sense of their addiction, no matter how small, and these methods only force the addict to run away.
Cocaine Addiction TreatmentCocaine Addiction is as hard to self-diagnose as insanity.
There is basically no cocaine addict that will ever admit to having a problem, no matter how bad their life becomes or how many daily crimes they need to commit to feed their habit.

Social Cost Of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction & it's social cost

Addiction of any sort is debilitating for the addict and very upsetting for the family and friends. Besides the risk to the addict, there are other even more far-reaching effects of cocaine addiction.
Cocaine addiction makes the addict behave in ways that can cause confusion and upset for those around him. His responsibility level drops significantly and he becomes very unreliable and is usually not very pleasant to have around due to his unpredictable behavior.

Spotting Cocaine Addiction

Signs of cocaine addiction

Addiction is a nasty word that many people find very difficult to confront. Usually it is because they are addicted or they know or suspect a loved one of being caught in the trap of addiction. It is not always easy to confront things like addiction.
Cocaine Addiction With some people, addiction might take the form of “they have to have their fix now” while others have an urgency to get out and meet with their friends because they’re going to get high together. Whichever form of addiction it is, the social addiction or the craving for the drug addiction, it is something that needs to be addressed and resolved with urgency.

The Allure Of Drug Addiction

Cocaine addiction

 The effects a cocaine user feels appear almost immediately after a single dose. The “problem”, however, is that they disappear within minutes or hours resulting in the user wanting more in a fairly short space of time.
Drug AddictionIn small doses, it makes the user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative and mentally alert with heightened perceptions of sight, sound and touch. It can decrease the desire for food, which makes it worse. Cocaine’s effects can be a complete dichotomy in that some will find it simple to perform simple physical and intellectual tasks quicker, while others have the opposite effect.
Short-term physiological effects of cocaine include